2019/01/25 HYGEOS seminar at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Each year, the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and the Université Paris-Diderot organize a series of seminar about remote sensing, geomatics and their applications. They are dedicated to Master degree students and open to public audience.

On 25th January, D. Ramon, founder and CEO of HYGEOS, presented the company and its activities. His talk was arranged around the HYGEOS contribution to the Copernicus services. Thus, he explained how in-depth knowledge of physical processes of radiative transfer, associated with expertise in computational science, are translated into software and tools used to process high volume of Earth observations data. He showed results in various applications such as biological activity of oceans, solar energy and land monitoring.

After the presentation, questions from the audience focused mainly on two topics: i) the society itself and the part of each theme in its activities; ii) how the physical process are represented in the various algorithms and methodologies developed at HYGEOS.