2021/10/14 HYGEOS kicked-off a new study for the provision of TOA radiances simulations for the MAP and the CLIM

HYGEOS, in partnership with LOA and ICARE , was awarded a contract by EUMETSAT for the provision of TOA radiances simulations for the Multi-Angle Polarimeter (MAP) and the Cloud Imager (CLIM)".

This EUMETSAT study aims at producing synthetic top-of-atmosphere test data for the MAP and the CLIM of the CO2M mission. The test data will be used for the evaluation of processing needs for the generation of CO2M products.
Key elements of the work are to provide full-orbit test data for MAP and CLIM observations consistent with the design and purpose of the CO2M platform and supporting the simulation of cloud and aerosol retrievals from this test data. The latter are, in turn, supporting the retrieval of greenhouse-gas products, as well as nitrogen oxide from the main spectrometer instrument on-board CO2M. This complements the test-data generated for the main CO2M spectrometer that are provided through a separate study.