Cédric Tétard
PhD Physics, computer scientist
His experience relates to atmospheric sciences, in particular to retrieval algorithms of aerosol extinction and gaseous concentrations.
He is currently seconded at ICARE, Université de Lille, where is in charge of algorithm development on ground-based data.
- since 2021: computer scientist at HYGEOS
- 2018 – 2021: data scientist at ADEO
- 2008 – 2018: scientist at Institut d’Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique (Brussels) :
- analysis of radio observations of meteoroids using BRAMS network : development of methods to retrieve meteoroids trajectories.
- development of retrieval algorithm of very tenous gases in the stratosphere (chlorine dioxide) from GOMOS measurements
- 2008: PhD, data analysis of SAGE III satellite mission: retrieval algorithm and validation of results; comparison of ACE sensor products with in-situ and remote correlative measurements (Université de Lille 1)