CAMS General Assembly, 10 – 13 June 2024, Brussels
HYGEOS sends a strong delegation to the upcoming 8th General Assembly of the Copernicus Atmosphere monitoring Service (CAMS) in Brussels (10th-13th June 2024), thus highlighting our contribution to the development of global aerosol model. HYGEOS scientists, Samuel Remy, Thierry Elias and Rose-Cloé Meyer, will engage with users as well as other CAMS contractants in order to share results and discuss ways to further improve the service. In particular, Rose-Cloé will present the CAMS AERosol Advancement (CAMAERA) Horizon Europe project, which aims at improving the modelling capacities of the regional and global components of CAMS.
Agenda and logistic information are available on: https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/8th-cams-general-assembly-copernicus