METimage Cloud Top Pressure

Left panel is a RGB (670nm, 555nm, 443nm) from METimage synthetical data. Middle panel shows the ratio of radiances at 763 and 752 nm. That ratio is the observable from which we retrieve the Cloud Top Pressure shown on the right panel.
Likewise the CTP, the cloud vertical structure has a great impact on the observed radiance in oxygen A-band. Unfortunately, the information content corresponding to METimage characteristics does not allow retrieving it together with the CTP. We needed to fix the cloud vertical structure in the model according to a climatology as a function of CTP and the cloud optical depth. Final users of the CTP product must be informed about the potential error on the retrieved CTP due to departure of the modelled cloud vertical structure regarding the actual one. This error can be great especially in case of multi-layer clouds that are not accounted for in the retrieval. On a second phase of the project, we evaluated the possibility to flag multi-layer situation and, more generally, situation of great discrepancy between the model cloud vertical structure and actual one, by using METimage channels for which the water vapor absorption is significant. Thanks to the different vertical distributions of O2 and H2O, the coupling between cloud scattering and the absorption of those two gases bring some information content about the cloud vertical distribution as long as the vertical distribution of O2 and H2O is known. METimage channels affected by O2 and H2O absorption are exploited to that regard.